Building Leakage???


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These are the areas more prone to get exposed and subjected to climatically different conditions. Due to various reasons viz. poor ratio of concrete/waterproof screed or waterproof plastering , improper water curing, poor quality of cement/sand could be some of the reasons by which cracks can be developed and thereby surface leakage.

And we do them with written guarantee.

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It is considered as an art of pouring concrete over the sloped roof as in most of the cases the cream of the concrete get settled in the bottom areas of the sloped roof, resulting in the upper portion being very week. Perfect waterproof course should be done over the sloped roof areas to protect this kind of situation.

And we do them with written guarantee.


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Most of the buildings, in the recent times, are constructed with Solid or Hallow Blocks which are factory manufactured with no proper quality certificate available with the building owner. A very poor quality plastering over these blocks will result in shrinkage cracks thereby wall dampness or in some cases wall seepage.

And we do them with written guarantee.


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Growing beautiful plants/fruits giving trees/vegetables/Mexican grass etc. are the fashion or need of the day. But most of the contractors or the clients ignore the fact that it is grown over the concrete roof and not in the ground soil. A specially devised waterproofing plan has to be applied for any roof garden failing which one will end up going through tough time fixing the seepage that may occur due to the slab being wet all though the year.

And we do them with written guarantee.

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OVER HEAD WATER STORAGE TANKS: It is often constructed with brick masonry except in those big apartments and Commercial complexes where they will need more than 10000 Ltrs capacity. In either cases, due to poor ratio of concrete or cement mortar or insufficient curing or even bad quality materials used, the tanks tend to develop cracks or becomes porous which in turn result in to water leakage.

And we do them with written guarantee.





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UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE is often constructed with brick masonry except in those big apartments and Commercial complexes where they will need more than 10000 Ltrs capacity. In either cases, due to poor ratio of concrete or cement mortar or insufficient curing or even bad quality materials used, the tanks tend to develop cracks or becomes porous which in turn result in to water leakage. Yet another reason for these sump seepage is because of the tree or plant routes getting penetrated in to the poorly finished sump (in most of the cases, contractors ignore thoroughly plastering the outer side of the wall).

And we do them with written guarantee.

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BATHROOMS/TOILETS/SUNKEN AREAS: This is one particular area of any building that experience perennial seepage problems. The main reason being ( a ) As always poor concrete/mortar ratio, poor curing or bad selection of materials. ( b) This is one area where you will find almost all the sub-contractors put their hand in to, such as Civil contractor, Plumber, Electrician, Waterproofing contractor( if any) and finally the Tile layer. If not coordinated properly, the bathroom seepage is inevitable and unfortunately in large size construction sites, coordination is just missing or ignored.

And we do them with written guarantee.



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BASEMENT/RETAINING WALLS: Wherever the ground water level is high, we tend to face seepage in these areas let it be through the Basement Floor or through the Retaining wall. However strong you construct them using the best concrete mixture, some loopholes left by the contractors are more than enough for the water to gush in to these areas, mainly because of the water having no places to go as the buildings are getting constructed one next to the other.

And we do them with written guarantee.





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SWIMMING POOL/WATER PONDS: This is yet another area of any building that experience water level getting reduced day by day. The main reason being ( a ) As always poor concrete/mortar ratio, poor curing or bad selection of materials. ( b) This is one area where you will find almost all the sub-contractors put their hand in to, such as Civil contractor, Plumber/Pool consultant, Electrician, Waterproofing contractor( if any) and finally the Tile layer. A perfect coordination if not in place, seepage will be unavoidable.

And we do them with written guarantee.


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EXPANSION JOINTS: Any building that has a span more than 30 Meters ( as per IS 3414) the Structural consultant/Architect suggests for joints in the beams and columns to avoid any structural cracks due to thermal expansion & contraction. There is a specific method of treating this and in many places we have found the civil contractors closing the joints using cement mortar or any other brittle materials.

And we do them with written guarantee.

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WINDOW/ACP FACADES/CONSTRUCTION JOINTS are some other areas which are often ignored by the contractors. We, as professional, take care of them and give long lasting solution.

And we do them with written guarantee.




Contact Us

Myriad International.

"Stuthi" No 352, Hennur Cross
Kalyan Nagar Post
Behind Banjara Crest Apts.
Bangalore 560 043.

Mobile: 91 98454 60607
Land line 91 80 2544 3823


About Us

In the industry for the past 25 years, we have grown strength to strength in tackling various leakage and seepage issues faced by our clients ranging from individual house owners/Commercial buildings/Corporate Companies/Educational Institutions to Builders and Architects. The challenges thrown at us by our special and trusted clients in sorting out problems that they have tried with many, made us what we are today.

We work out our own specifications and do not budge to any major suggestions from our clients or persons working with the project for the very reason that we stand guarantee for our work.